
A country

link GraphQL Schema definition

1type Country {
3# The ISO-3166 country code
4code: ID!
5# The country dialing prefix
6callingCode: String!
7# The country WikiData id
8wikiDataId: ID!
9# The country's capital city
10capital: String
11# The country name
12name: String!
13# A list of supported ISO-4217 currency codes
14currencyCodes: [String]!
15# The country flag image
16flagImageUri: String!
17# The number of regions in this country
18numRegions: Int!
19# Find populated places in this country
21# Arguments
22# namePrefix: Only places whose names start with this prefix. If
23# language is set, the prefix will be matched on the name as it appears in that
24# language.
25# namePrefixDefaultLangResults: When name-prefix matching,
26# whether or not to match on names in the default language if a non-default
27# language is requested.
28# minPopulation: Only places having at least this population
29# maxPopulation: Only places having no more than this population
30# timeZoneIds: Only places in these time-zones
31# types: Only places for these types
32# sort: How to sort place results
34# where SORT_FIELD = elevation | name | population
35# first: How many results to retrieve from the beginning (or
36# after the 'after' cursor, if specified)
37# after: The cursor id after which to get results
38# last: How many results to retrieve from the end (or before the
39# 'before' cursor, if specified)
40# before: The cursor id before which to get results
41# includeDeleted: Whether to include any places marked deleted
43namePrefix: String,
44namePrefixDefaultLangResults: Boolean,
45minPopulation: Int,
46maxPopulation: Int,
47timeZoneIds: [ID],
48types: [String],
49sort: String,
50first: Int,
51after: String,
52last: Int,
53before: String,
54includeDeleted: IncludeDeletedFilterType
55): CountryPopulatedPlacesConnection
56# Look up a region in this country
58# Arguments
59# code: An ISO-3166 or FIPS region code
60region(code: ID): CountryRegion
61# Find regions in this country
63# Arguments
64# namePrefix: Only regions whose names start with this prefix. If
65# language is set, the prefix will be matched on the name as it appears in that
66# language.
67# namePrefixDefaultLangResults: When name-prefix matching,
68# whether or not to match on names in the default language if a non-default
69# language is requested.
70# sort: How to sort regions
71# Format: ±SORT_FIELD
72# where SORT_FIELD = fipsCode | isoCode | name
73# first: How many results to retrieve from the beginning (or
74# after the 'after' cursor, if specified)
75# after: The cursor id after which to get results
76# last: How many results to retrieve from the end (or before the
77# 'before' cursor, if specified)
78# before: The cursor id before which to get results
80namePrefix: String,
81namePrefixDefaultLangResults: Boolean,
82sort: String,
83first: Int,
84after: String,
85last: Int,
86before: String
87): CountryRegionsConnection